Latex Reparatur Service

We repair your Latex Clothes

We repair your Latex Clothes

Give your beloved latex garments peace of mind in the hands of our experienced repair service.
Thanks to expert craftsmanship and high-quality repair materials, your favorite pieces will look like new in no time. 

Once not paying attention, hanging awkwardly or the infamous fingernail:

Ein Riss und das gute Stück ist ruiniert

So that you can soon enjoy your favorite pieces again, bring or send us the latex garments to be repaired and we will take care of the professional repair.

In order to carry out the repair according to your wishes, please describe us as accurately as possible the condition of the clothing and your repair request. For an optimal assessment of the damage to your clothing, we also ask you to send pictures of the area to be repaired. 

Latex Reparatur in schwarzer Latex Kleidung

Based on the assessment of the damage, we will send you a cost estimate. After receiving the order confirmation, we will then start the repair of your beloved latex garments. 

You can find more information about the repair procedure and our services here.

After the repair is completed, you can pick up your garment from us, or it will arrive by discreet Shipping at your home.

We are looking forward to your inquiry!

Feel free to call & make an appointment:

Feel free to send a request By E-Mail:

Describe us your request Via WhatsApp::